A Repost

I still consider this to be one of my best piece and so it had to part of this blog. I wrote this on the night of April 9th, 2012 and had to correct quite a lot of errors the next day before posting it as a note on Facebook. It intrigues me how the human body and the brain can inflict pain on others  as well as itself. We hear stories of people into self mutilation and almost always consider them to be the social outcasts, to be shunned by the more “normal” populace. The reason as to what triggered this extreme reaction, is frequently overlooked. There is a very thin line between the “normal” way of life and the dark side; a little push is all it takes.

P.S: You could “try” watching Requiem for a Dream.

Back To Black

Here endeth, because there will be nothing hereafter. I can be sure of it cause the air smells of death, and so does he. I can hardly see him, sunlight barely passes through the windows now made opaque, but he stands out as paradox in this urban graveyard, a paradox which will soon be resolved. The air is damp, unbreathed and confined for years but he doesn’t care; one rarely criticizes ones last breaths. An eerie smile cracks on his lips and slowly he rolls up his sleeves. The objects kept by his side are arranged with an almost surgical precision and include a stainless steel switchblade, slices of raw lemon and a pair of latex gloves. The smile doesn’t fade and he slowly slips his hand into the gloves. Holding a piece of lemon he squeezes it into straight into his nose. It’s strange because at the same time i feel a terrible irritation, a terrible pain hitting my senses like an avalanche. The pain magnifies till it’s interrupted by another conflicting feeling of something slashing my wrists open, the pain is ice cold. Another shot into the nose and it feels as if my brain is in an internal conflict with itself and in the end a deep numbness prevails. And a sound- plink, pause, plink, pause… Everything fades to black and there was nothing at the other side.

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